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Why Dean Graziosi Is So Passionate About Masterminds & The $1B Self Education Industry


Bryan Dulaney
Hey guys. So you’ve got to hear why Dean Graziosi is so passionate about Masterminds and the self-education industry. One of the things that I found interesting in this interview with Dean at his office is that the education system is broken. College has gone up eight times faster than wages. So dive in, take notes, and listen to what Dean has to say about why he’s so passionate about Masterminds and the self-education industry.

Nick Unsworth
Super excited to have you here today. We wanted to start by you sharing why you’re so passionate about Masterminds and the self-education industry. So you talk about making it the new norm. You talk about building a legacy and just love to hear that from you.

Dean Graziosi:
So I’ll just flip that on you guys. What’s up? Good to be here with you two, first up. But if you could think of anything in your life, I mean, and you can be honest. What’s moved the needle the most in your life when it comes to starting? Maybe starting was passion to get away from a bad circumstance or not having money. I don’t know. I know your story pretty well, both of you, but we all have that desire to start our own thing, right? It’s like we watched our parents struggle, or we don’t have the money, or the Jenna Kutcher, the cubicle with no window. It’s like enough is enough.

Dean Graziosi:
Or I don’t like being in control enough. That usually starts it, but after the start, what has moved the needle the most in both of your lives, in your business and in your life?

Dean Graziosi
What would you say?

Nick Unsworth
Yeah, after the start. I mean, for me it would be, really I mean on the business side, advertising. It would be scaling our message and getting the message out there. So I think for me it’s every successful business that I’ve had, I know for you, too, it’s like our heart is what’s the impact that we can make that drives everything.

Dean Graziosi:
Yeah, of course.

Nick Unsworth
And then, how do we put fuel on the fire to get it out for most people.

Dean Graziosi:
Okay, so great answer. So where did some of those best strategies come from? Did they come from a Mastermind or workshop? Right?

Nick Unsworth
Well done. Yeah. I mean, what’s awesome is that for me, I failed at 11 businesses and then it was a Mastermind that radically changed everything-

Dean Graziosi:
Okay so, we all forget that.

Nick Unsworth
This all started at the-[crosstalk 00:02:01]

Dean Graziosi:
But we all forget that.

Nick Unsworth

Dean Graziosi:
And I see so many people. Like listen, I will say stuff that’s Tony Robbin’s stuff that I learned 25 years ago, or Dale Carnegie, or Earl Nightingale, or something I learned from Russell Brunson in marketing. And I forget that I learned it from them in a Mastermind or in an event and then one day ago, “Oh, dude, I got that from you. Thank you. From when we were at that event.” And I think we know if you don’t understand marketing, and maybe we’ll get into that today. If you don’t market on the deepest level, if you don’t market authentically in today’s world, if you don’t market real and raw in today’s world, you don’t move the needle. People are sick of the magical money machines and the hype.

Dean Graziosi:
They just want real, right? So we know that. We know that you’ve got a market through direct response marketing, whether that’s Instagram or Facebook or YouTube or whatever delivery system you use. But the reason I kind of got you a trick question there is because usually if I look in my own business, what moved the needle the most, is after I left a Mastermind and I learned one thing. Or after I went to a workshop or after I read a book or after I was at a live event. Can you guys, do you have that same experience?

Bryan Dulaney
Oh, absolutely. I know for me it was the Mastermind that changed my life and got me into Facebook advertising and then every since it’s been the Mastermind that’s been the spark for it.

Dean Graziosi:

Bryan Dulaney
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Dean Graziosi:
Exactly. I bet you had the same experience?

Bryan Dulaney
Yeah. For me it’s a Mastermind and it’s also mentors.

Dean Graziosi:
Yeah, of course.

Bryan Dulaney
Yeah. Way back when I started in 2006, it was that first mentor really shaved off years of my learning curve and that’s actually it, so I was in my MBA, working on my MBA. Right? And then I hired my mentor cause I figured out some stuff that was working for me, like through affiliate marketing. And then I was like, “Okay, but I have no predictable way of doing this.” I don’t know how it happened. I just made some money. And when I was in college, I was working on my MBA. I was also part time personal trainer. I just knew I wanted to work for myself, but I didn’t know-

Dean Graziosi:
How and where and what.

Bryan Dulaney
โ€ฆ a predictable way of doing it. And then I hired my mentor and then everything took off from there, you know?

Dean Graziosi:
Right. So if you think about it, it’s self-education and it’s the same thing that it’s done for me. So the reason I’m so passionate, you asked that question. I wanted to flip it on you and have and I appreciate it wasn’t a canned answer. You weren’t-

Bryan Dulaney
I was half through-

Dean Graziosi:
It was Masterminds.

Nick Unsworth
โ€ฆ and I was like, “I see what’s going on here. He’s so brilliant. This is so good.”

Dean Graziosi:
But it’s so true. Cause I knew you were going to say marketing and impact, but where did you get the marketing and impact secrets? From a Mastermind or self-education or as we’re calling it, specialized knowledge, right?

Dean Graziosi:
I mean, listen, it’s easy to say, we know that the world is shifting towards specialized knowledge. College isn’t serving people at the level it used to. It didn’t evolve as fast as the world. The world’s been growing exponentially. The education system has been growing linear, so it just can’t keep up, right? So what are we doing? The world is turning towards self-education. Forbes says it’s going to a billion dollars a day. Right? Like you said, “I tried 11 businesses on your own.” You weren’t sure what to do with your MBA. You got a mentor. Your life shifted. You went to a Mastermind. You learned one thing. Your life shifted. And that’s specialized knowledge. That’s why Ginni Rometty, the head of IBM, CEO of IBM said, “Forget blue collar. Forget white collar. I want new color. I want people that went out and gained specialized knowledge.” Right?

Bryan Dulaney:

Dean Graziosi:
But if you want to know why it’s personal, especially if you did Tony and I both, is because if I look back at what changed my life, I wasn’t smart enough to realize while I was in it. Just being honest, I wasn’t like, “You know, my life was tough so I gained specialized knowledge and changed the world.” It’s like I was just desperate as shit for lack of a better word. I needed to do something different. My high school guidance counselor was like, “Oh, we’re not going to college. Hmm. Why don’t you fill an application for the only factory in town?” The way the world looks at it a lot of times is college and ah, and not blue collar and suffer. Right? And I was lucky enough to find a middle road that I didn’t know exists with self-education.

Dean Graziosi:
And a lot of that was Tony Robbins in my mid twenties because, if you look back, and I got to take two minutes to share this with everybody on how lucky they are to listen to this podcast, to watch this video. When I started 30 years ago as an entrepreneur, there were no podcasts, there was no Instagram, Facebook, there wasn’t Myspace. There was just dial up on AOL about 10 years in and you couldn’t even watch a video. It would buffer for two days. Right?

Dean Graziosi:
So for me, the only way I could do is find a mentor or read books. But I had dyslexia bad, so I never read books. Then all of a sudden one night, and I was already in business, I had a car business, and I was working on houses and I was on my way, but really heavy. I don’t know how to explain it, like I was making progress. You know those years where you made progress, but like everything’s heavy, sleepless nights, sick six stomach, you’re waiting for the other shoe to drop every day. That’s how I felt.

Bryan Dulaney:
Been there.

Dean Graziosi:
Yeah. I felt that way every day and all of a sudden I see this big guy on TV. Didn’t realize what self-education was, and I pay for his course. My family tells me I’m an idiot, and I give him money. He gives me information, and it changed my life. And then I went down the road. He introduced me to Jim Rowan and Dale Carnegie and Earl Nightingale and Napoleon Hill and Wayne Dyer and Eckhart Tolle, and I’m like, “Oh my God. Like why didn’t they tell? I could handle this if they gave me this in school.” And so then life changed. Life fundamentally changed. It changed so much for me and I won’t make this story long, but I want everybody to know why Tony and I are so passionate about it, to make it the new norm, is because I felt hopeless for a long time.

Dean Graziosi:
I felt there was no chance. I wasn’t the smart kid. I wasn’t the kid who came from money. I wasn’t the kid whose parents even wanted me to go to college. They never did. Nobody in my family ever went to college. So I was like, “I want more. But how?” And all of a sudden I find this path where I’m not good at school. I didn’t go to school. I don’t want to learn through my own trial and error. I could just learn from people who’ve already been there. Duh. Right? And then I started going and then within two years of getting Tony’s course, I filmed my own infomercial. I did my own product and I got on it on TV in 1998. I ran a successful infomercial for over 20 years. Every day I was on TV for over 20 years.

Dean Graziosi:
Failed miserably in between success, miserable, but I got addicted to the self-education and just like you guys are. And then alongside that, not only was Tony someone I admired and wanted to meet, we met, we’ve been friends for a decade, but if you look back at Tony’s life, he was living in a car. Getting his mail at seven 11 and he used all of his two weeks worth of pay and went to a Jim Rowan event for 47 bucks and same story. Changed his life. It’s like, “Hello? Knock, knock? What? Nobody tells me that this stuff exists?” And then he did the same path, right? He went into the self-education. World First is promoting Jim Rowan and did his own stuff. And then we got together, we were like, “This is where the world’s at.” Education isn’t working. It’s the education costs have gone up eight times faster than wages, and people who went to college and they want to make more, they’re like, “Trial and error sucks. I don’t want to go back to school. What do I do?”

Dean Graziosi:
Hello, learn from these guys. Learn from people who’ve already done it. And we just wanted to create a gold standard process. If you want to be in this space, follow these rules, and this is how we change the world.

Bryan Dulaney:
Okay. So for me, why am I so passionate about Masterminds and the self-education industry? Well, for me self-education was what led me to my mentors and my coaches, which led me to my Masterminds and then which led me to becoming successful. You see, I discovered self-education when I was at Liberty University.

Bryan Dulaney:
I got introduced to a network marketing company and I got handed three books, OG Mandino, two from Og Mandino and another one called the Magic of Thinking Big. So I got handed The Choice by Og Mandino and I got handed The Greatest Salesman in the World by OG Mandino. And when I read those books, my brain exploded because, you see growing up I was forced to read. I had to read all this stuff that I didn’t enjoy. In fact, when I was a little kid I had problems reading, I had trouble comprehending what I was reading. And I think, looking back, I think it’s because I was just bored out of my mind with a topic and I was forced to do something that wasn’t something that I wanted to do on my own right. Then come college, I’m at Liberty university, and I stumbled upon self-education, personal development, OG Mandino, Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich.

Bryan Dulaney:

And then eventually Tony Robbins. And then that all led me to finding my first mentor. That first mentor I found out of necessity. I was trying to figure out what was working. Right? Trying to figure out predictability, and sustainability and scalability in my new venture, my new business that I wanted to start. I was still in school though. I was still working on my MBA because I didn’t want to leave traditional education until I could figure out what worked. Then I hired my first mentor and he helped me to generate $10,000 in literally a couple of days and that’s in the moment I said, “Peace out traditional education.” I made more than my teachers did all month in a couple of days. I said, this is ridiculous. I’m learning from people that aren’t even at my level, so I’m done with that. Right?

Bryan Dulaney:

And so that’s one of the reasons why I’m passionate about self-education, because for me that was my path, right? Just like Tony Robbins, it was his path. And like Dean Graziosi, it’s his path. So personally, that’s why I’m impacted by self-education and why I’m so passionate about making it the new norm with Tony and with Dean as well. Nick is similar, I mean self-education for him, led to Masterminds and breakthrough events plus mentors and coaches. So there’s a common theme here I’m hoping that you’re seeing is that self-education is the beginning of a lot of breakthrough for most of us. You look at Dean. He met Tony and everything changed for them. Two years after he bought a course from Tony Robbins, he went on doing infomercials for 20 years and was a huge success. So guys, the education system is broken.

Bryan Dulaney:

I mean, how crazy is it that college has gone up eight times faster than wages? That can’t keep happening. That’s a problem. Right? And so that’s why I’m so excited about the growth of the self-education industry.

Dean Graziosi:
Well good stuff man. I appreciate you both. Thanks for being a part of this movement supporting Tony. I couldn’t have, I couldn’t have had the jumpstart and have without people like you guys. So, and everybody listening, if you’re watching right now, anything we talked about was even somewhat intriguing. I’m going to encourage you. Go to the URL that you said. It’s mastermindbonus?

Nick Unsworth:

Dean Graziosi:
Mastermindbonus.com and reserve the spot right now. But here’s what my guess is. Most of you are going to register right now. How could you not? It’s intriguing. It’s Tony and I, and I’ll say it’s Tony more than me.

Dean Graziosi:
You don’t get this, right? But here’s what you got to you got to show up. So put it in your phone. Write it on your hand. Put it on a sticky. Stick it all over your house because there’s nothing worse than feeling left behind. You know the buzz of the internet is going to be like, “Holy crap. Did you see that?” And you don’t want to be the person that said, “Oh damn, I missed it.” So register. Work with these amazing guys and we look forward to seeing you on the 27th live.

Bryan Dulaney:
And your opportunity is to take advantage of it. So guys, here’s the three easy steps. It’s real simple, okay? It’s simple, it’s easy. Number one, go to mastermindbonus.com. You can get on an early bird list, okay? And then we’ll email you when it goes live. You want to join the free training with Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi.

Bryan Dulaney:
These guys are bringing 60 years of knowledge, wisdom, and expertise to your table for free and they’re adding massive value for free whether you buy anything or not. Okay? Now they will invite you to join their program called KBB and their software called Mindmint. And when you do, I would encourage you to grab all of our bonuses that we have at mastermindbonus.com for free. Okay?

Bryan Dulaney:

All you got to do is clear your cookies. Clear your cash, and we talk about and show you exactly how to do that on the page. And then you claim our bonuses and then you have us. You have Nick and I and our entire team in your corner helping you to make the income and impact that you know is possible to tap into the growth that’s happening in this billion dollar per day industry that’s coming. My friend, I encourage you, ride the wave. Don’t get crushed by it, or worse, miss it all together, right? So go to mastermindbonus.com for all of the information. And stay tuned for more information, more videos that I’m going to be putting out about my life’s work through video, through Facebook, through YouTube, through email, Instagram, and you know, everywhere that’s possible.

Always in your corner, Bryan Dulaney Your 8 Figure Club Coach

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Always in your corner,

Bryan Dulaney

CEO, Perfect Funnel System

P.S. Did you know I died and was brought back to life?

Watch my story:

P.P.S. Russell Brunson asked me to film my 8 Figure Club Story:

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